Cell-Based Assay Application Notes
Oris™ Assays
- High-Throughput Cell Migration Assay (in collaboration with Molecular Devices)
- ArunA Biomedical’s hNP1™ Oris™ Cell Migration Assembly Kit – FLEX (in collaboration with ArunA Biomedical)
- 3D Analysis of Cell Invasion using Operetta (in collaboration with PerkinElmer)
- Effect of Mask Aperture Size on Robustness of Oris™ Cell Migration Assay Data
- Comparison of the Oris™ Cell Migration Assay to the Scratch Assay
- Analysis of Migration Using the Oris™ Cell Migration Assay – TriCoated Kit on the Polarstar Omega (in collaboration with BMG and the Paterson Institute for Cancer Research)
- Analysis of Cell Migration Using the Operetta (in collaboration with PerkinElmer)
- Quantifying Cell Migration in Real-Time Using the Oris™ Cell Migration Assay
- The Use of ImageJ to Quantify Cell Number in the Oris™ Cell Migration Assay
- Oris – A Novel High Throughput-Compatible Cell Migration Screening Assay (in collaboration with BioTek Instruments)
Oris™ Pro Assays
- Investigation of Cell Migration using a High Density Cell Exclusion Assay and Automated Microplate Imager (in collaboration with BioTek Instruments)
- Optimization of Cell Seeding Volume and Density for the Oris™ Pro 384 Cell Migration Assays
- A High Content, High Throughput 384-Well Assay for Cell Migration (in collaboration with TTP Labtech)
- Establishing Pre-Migration References in the Oris™ Pro Cell Migration Assay
- Comparison of the Oris™ and Oris™ Pro Cell Migration Assays
- How to Measure Area Closure Using the Oris™ Pro Cell Migration Assay